Friday, October 15, 2010

10. Education

The education system in American is much more individual than in China. Namely, there isn't any optional course in Chinese normal high school. Even though for Chinese college students, they have to take courses that called "optional" those are suppose to be taken depend on whatever they like. With regard to study, students are forced to study and have no time to do things for their own interests. In some case, students perhaps don't know they take responsibility for themselves once they leave from their parents since they were demanded to do everything.

    As for making change of Chinese education system, the College entrance examination would definitely be the first critical point which I want to change since I am from China. The worst part about the special college entrance examination which called Gao Kao in China, is that the simple exam which takes two days will in somehow determines a student's whole life. That seems unfair to judge someone’s ability by one exam. Regardless of what they did before the exam day, the scores they get in Gao Kao will be the only inference or indicator to determine who is qualified for better education. However, it doesn't necessary indicate who really deserves it.

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