Friday, September 24, 2010

4. I miss the winter in Beijing

  Actually I don’t have a specifically favorite season. However in my memory, there are different seasons I like in different place I have lived. Back to my hometown Hunan, it's always raining. I can't even tell if there was a rainy season all wasn't, because it seems raining the whole year. Especially in summer, the weather was so muggy and hot. But I love the spring in Hunan which days are getting longer and warmer rapidly.
  Since I was 12 years old I moved to Beijing with my family. Then I quickly found out the winter in Beijing is so comfortable. Although the lowest temperature can drop to 15 below zero,  because of the dry weather you can't really feel that cold. Also the air conditioner is everywhere, once you get in a building you can take your coat off. Besides, In Beijing it's always windy and rarely rain. But the sand storm is getting worse nowadays.

  With the weather is getting colder in Minnesota I start missing the winter in Beijing so badly. Even here isn't that cold than I thought but it's still going to be hard to get through.


  1. It'll be okay! Try to embrace the winter and enjoy it. It always feels worse when you complain about it. I usually like to wear my favorite fuzzy sweatshirts or drink something hot and tasty to cheer me up. Caffeine is always good in the morning since it's harder to get out of bed in the winter. So a nice cup of coffee or tea is great to bring to class because not only does it keep me warm, it wakes me up :] 화이팅!

  2. Sweet!! 고마워요 Julia ssi~ then I will come by TG to get some tasty hot drink frequently. haha
